Parking FAQs

Parking FAQs

How familiar are you with the UK’s parking rules? Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about parking restrictions we’ve encountered here at Road Angel.

How close can I park to a junction?

Yes, you can park near a junction, but due to the dangers you could pose to yourself and other drivers you must be mindful of the guidelines set out in the Highway Code. In essence, you can’t park opposite or within 10 metres of a junction.  To do so potentially poses a risk to other drivers and your own vehicle. 

Authorised parking spaces are sometimes located closer than 10 metres to a junction and it’s fine to park in them, but this is the only exception to the rules. If in doubt, use your common sense and avoid trying to park near a junction altogether.  

Can I park on yellow lines?

Single Yellow line

Rule 238 of the highway code states that you MUST NOT park or wait on a single yellow line during times of operation. Look for nearby road signs or road marking to find out what these times of operation are (most often office hours 9 AM-6 PM but may vary). You can usually stop to pick up or drop off passengers unless there are signs that clearly state not to.

Double Yellow lines

Rule 238 of the highway code states that double yellow lines “indicate a prohibition of waiting at any time even if there are no upright signs”. This means that in most cases there should be no stopping or waiting on double yellow lines at any time, even if there are no signs to display operation times. If there are no signs, you should assume that any parking or stopping on the yellow lines is prohibited at all times.

Can I park on zig zag lines?

Parking on zig-zag road markings, whether they’re white or yellow, should be avoided at all costs. Again, drivers are prohibited from parking on them because to do so would cause a clear obstruction and therefore poses a danger to pedestrians and other motorists. This is all made very clear by the signage you’ll see where such markings appear outside schools, hospitals, police stations and bus stops. You could pick up penalty points and/or a fine for parking on zig-zag markings. 

White zig zag lines can also be found surrounding pedestrian crossings. These lines are in place to prohibit parking and overtaking. Parked cars on white lines may cause an obstruction to the pedestrian’s view, making it dangerous for them to cross the road. 

Do parking restrictions apply on bank holidays?

It’s widely assumed that normal parking restrictions don’t necessarily apply when it comes to Bank Holidays in the UK. This is, regrettably, mistaken. Many drivers believe that parking on a Bank Holiday Monday is subject to Sunday rules – or to no rules at all.

In truth, Bank Holiday parking rules differ depending on where you happen to be in the UK and what the local Council has decreed. As a rule of thumb, simply look out for signs indicating what the rules are in your area. The rules may be different to the ones you’re used to at every other time of year, but it’s best to assume that parking restrictions definitely do apply on Bank Holidays. It can be frustrating but in the end it’s about safety and not causing an obstruction.

Where can I get an overview of UK parking rules?

If you’re unsure about any of the UK’s parking rules, check out the Highway Code on Insurance firms also tend to publish overviews of the rules on their websites. As with most UK driving laws it’s essentially safety that guides parking restrictions, so stay safe and try not to cause any obstructions.